Our Shield™ blood test gains FDA approval, ushering in a new era of colorectal cancer screening.  More details

Shield Toolkit

This toolkit contains ready-to-use materials, product language and images designed to help you talk about CRC screening and the Shield™ blood-based screening test. Let’s get started!

The materials made available on this webpage are for training, educational and informational purposes only, and not for the purpose of providing legal, medical, regulatory or other professional advice. Use of these materials is at your own risk and responsibility.

Blood-based CRC screening fits right in.
Simply done.

Rack of test tubes with blood.

Shield™ is a qualitative laboratory developed test intended to detect colorectal neoplasia by identifying genomic and epigenomic alterations in cell-free DNA in plasma from blood collected in Guardant blood collection tubes.

  • The assay is intended to be complementary to and not a replacement for current recommended colorectal cancer screening methods
  • Patients with an "abnormal signal detected" Shield test result should be referred for colonoscopic evaluation
  • A "normal signal detected" Shield test result does not preclude the presence of colorectal neoplasia, and patients should continue participating in guideline-recommended screening programs
  • Shield was developed, and its performance characteristics determined, by the Guardant Health Clinical Laboratory in Redwood City, CA, USA, which is certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) as qualified to perform high complexity clinical testing. This test has not been cleared or approved by the US FDA